The potential of 5G technology that is transforming the world 

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The potential of 5G technology that is transforming the world 

Today, 5G technology is extremely important as more and more devices, services, and applications depend on faster and more stable connectivity. 

This is the latest generation of mobile network technology and offers ultra-fast connection and data transfer speeds.  

5G technology is also known as the “network of the future” as it is expected to have a significant impact on the way we communicate, work, and live. v

According to a GSMA report, by 2025 there are expected to be 1.8 billion 5G connections worldwide. 

Additionally, this network enables greater speed, responsiveness, and reliability in data transfer, making it the basis for connectivity for many emerging technologies. 

The impact that 5G technology will have on job opportunities will be many and it is already successfully affecting different markets such as Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanical Engineering, for example. 

A new study from  GlobalData reveals how  5G is boosting the labor market. From January to July, this new technology generated 65 percent more jobs in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. Violeta Contreras, DPL News. 

What is it and what is it for? 

5G technology is the latest generation of mobile network technology, promising a faster, more reliable, and efficient connection than previous technologies.  

It is characterized by its high speed, low latency, and high capacity for simultaneous connection of devices, which allows great potential for applications and services. 

Some examples of 5G technology applications include the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality, high-definition video streaming, telemedicine, and industrial automation. 

The impact of 5G technology on connectivity speed and performance is impressive. With download and upload data speeds of up to 20 Gbps and 10 Gbps, respectively, users can download and upload large files in seconds, which was not possible with previous technologies.  

Additionally, the low latency of 5G technology means that communication is virtually instantaneous, making it ideal for real-time applications such as online gaming, video conferencing, or robotic surgery. 


The technology used in 5G is more advanced and complex than that used in previous generations of mobile networks.  

Some of the technologies used in 5G include: 

MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output): Allows multiple antennas to be used to send and receive signals, increasing network capacity and improving signal quality. 

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing): Allows the radio signal to be divided into multiple subcarriers, increasing network efficiency and capacity. 

Beamforming: Allows radio signals to be directed to specific devices, reducing interference and improving signal quality. 

As for the differences between 4G and 5G, 5G technology uses a higher frequency and a greater number of antennas, allowing it to transmit data at a much higher speed.  

Change in our lives  

A study by ABI Research predicts that by 2026 the global 5G technology market will reach $378 billion in revenue, driven by increased adoption of 5G services in the consumer and enterprise sectors. 

The deployment of 5G technology has a significant impact on the way we live and do business. Some of the ways 5G is transforming our lives are: 

Impact on business and industry: 

5G technology enables new ways of working and collaboration, allowing businesses to be more productive and efficient. In addition, 5G is essential for the development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR). 

Transformation of the way we communicate and relate:  

5G enables faster and more stable connections, meaning we can communicate and share information more effectively and efficiently. This can improve the way we communicate and relate online, as well as enable new forms of communication in real time. 

Benefits for society in general:  

5G has the potential to improve people’s quality of life by enabling greater connectivity and access to online services and resources. It can also improve healthcare, education, and public safety by enabling new technologies and innovative solutions. 

Future 4.0 

You could say that 5G technology is one of the most important innovations today. As the number of connected devices and the need for real-time data increases, 5G becomes a critical tool to enable new technologies. 

It has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business, communicate and relate. With the ability to download and upload large amounts of data in seconds, 5G allows us to connect with people and businesses around the world in real time. 

In conclusion, 5G technology is a critical tool for the future of technology and connectivity.  

At Fidélitas University, we are committed to training highly trained and competent professionals who can lead the way in the development and implementation of these emerging technologies. 

We understand the importance of preparing students for careers of the future through technology and science.  

It is thanks to this pillar of innovation that we offer a wide range of highly employable STEM careers and a learning methodology that allows students to apply their knowledge in practical and real environments to train competent and cutting-edge professionals. 

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